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MARS stands for Mixed Ability Rowing Sessions
Come and have a go at rowing, with a special emphasis on people who have never rowed, or have visible or invisible disabilities.
- have a go in a boat
- have a go on dry land
- have a go in the gym
OR …
- sit on the riverbank and see what its all about
- get in a boat without rowing for a river tour
- get in the motor boat and follow rowers on the water
- our current MARS STARS what its like
- our coach, Jackie, how to get started and how it works
- our welfare and disability officer, Sue, if this would be suitable for you or for someone you know
Refreshments all day, plus bar and barbecue.
The current MARS STARS programme is a way for people who deal with challenges in life to row safely, or learn to steer a rowing boat, or drive a safety boat, or fix a broken oar or a damaged boat.
Come and learn about the different ways that our disabled and non-disabled rowers have supported each other and added a new, safe and healthy activity into their lives.
We even go on a trip overseas once a year to row in Italy or Spain with other Mixed Ability Rowers.
Current rowers, male and female, include those:
- living with spinal injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, visual impairment and other physical disabilities
- living with autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD and other neurodiverse or mental health challenges
- living with autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases
- living with, or recovering from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and stroke
- living through grief, isolation and loneliness
- living with none of the above but joining our Mixed Ability Rowing Sessions (MARS) as it is so warm, friendly and supportive
Day: Sunday 21st July
Time: 10am to 6pm activites. The bar and barbecue will remain open for longer.
Place: Ross Rowing Club on the banks of the River Wye at Ross-on-Wye.
Access by car: via Metcalfe Avenue HR9 7DD onto Rope Walk, free parking available at the club.
Access on foot: Along the national River Wye Walk at Ross-on-Wye
Access by canoe: About four hours downstream of Hoarwithy, various canoe companies can hire you canoes and pick you up from the club
Camping: can be booked on this website – see about camping HERE
MORE INFO from Sally Pettipher – find her on Facebook Messenger @sallypettipher or email her MARS Open Day