Note that it is not always safe to row even when the river level is deemed acceptable according to the colour marked steps, other considerations should also be considered ie water flow rate, wind and direction.
Every crew should always make a dynamic Risk Assessment taking account of the current weather (temps, wind, rain) and river conditions and any likely changes in the foreseeable future, of the competence of their actual crew and of the size/stability of the boat to decide whether or not to proceed with their intended outing. If in doubt don’t go out.
Floating debris (that is of a quantity and size likely to cause boat damage or influence a capsize) on a rising river indicates that the situation is worsening and River Condition D restrictions “No Rowing” apply.
If in doubt, don’t go out!
# Notes
- Under guidance (safety / coaching launch in attendance) or if J17/18 yr with Parental permission and parents in attendant supervisory role.
- In the interests of safety only competent juniors shall go downstream more than 20 metres beyond the Club Steps
- Restricted river usage:-When the water is below the bottom yellow step boats must not go upstream further than the telephone wires at the top of the regatta straight –for more info refer to the RRC Low Water Rules
- Restricted river usage to apply each year for the period 1 November to 1 Mar. When there is no coaching launch positioned between the Wall and Backney Bridge, no junior cox shall go upstream further than the telephone wires at the top of the regatta straight. No junior cox shall remain upstream of the overhead power lines at the top of the regatta straight when there is no coaching launch positioned between the Wall and Backney Bridge.
- Only if River is not rising and has little or no debris
- Only if high intensity white LED flashing light facing bow & red high intensity LED flashing light facing stern and the bow person/single sculler wears high visibility upper body outer garment
- J13 and Younger in coxed quads only
- No J13 or younger. J14/15 in 4x+, 4+, 4x & 8+ (i.e. Big Boats), J16 & Older – any boat
- Mist/Fog –At times when visibility is reduced due to mist or fog the following shall apply
- Only coxed boats are permitted
- All boats must have a high intensity LED flashing light facing the bow and a high intensity LED flashing light facing the stern
- If visibility is less that 400m i.e cannot see the A40 Bridge, then a small group (up to 3) of coxed boats may row together within visible distance of each other and always in same direction, they must stop and regroup if visibility is lost, all boat captain’s/cox’s must come to clear understanding on how to proceed. ‘Boats on Water’ must be entered in the Boat Register by the Boat Captain or Coach, if three boats are already out on water then others must wait until crews return to club before going out.
- If visibility is less that 200m then only 2 coxed boats are permitted on the river with at least one coaching boat in attendance. Crews must agree to use different stretches of the river i.e. Wilton to Wires upstream of Regatta course & Wall to Backney Bridge. The boat using the Backney stretch will only progress onto the Regatta course at caution.