
The Captains will use the following criteria as the basis for their decisions on boat allocation:

  1. Are people rowing for the Club, or for their own pleasure?  Rowing for their own pleasure is good, but Captains will support members rowing for the Club and will protect the boats allocated to those members representing the Club, especially during the scheduled rowing sessions.
  2. Competency: This is paramount, as we do have to look after our very expensive boats. All our boats are expensive and some are more expensive than others. Captains will consider this.

Please help and don’t hinder the Captains. We ask that you are helpful to your Captain and helpful to your Club by being patient and supportive. Please remember that the Club’s Captains and other club officers are all volunteers and giving up their time to help.

RRC boat booking & use protocols

  1. Members may only use boats for club use (see below), unless agreed with their Captain
  2. Crews must book time slots and boats using the Spond events on a first booked basis
  3. Captains will give priority when allocating boats to their crews competing for the Club as it is the Club’s policy to support these crews and to limit wear and tear on the more competitive equipment.
  4. Members must record any faults discovered whilst using a boat in the boat use register and Spond Messenger to the Squad Captain or Boat House Fairy
  5. Members must not take parts from other boats without permission from their Captain and should record the facts in the boat use register so that the necessary repairs can be made / parts can be bought.

Classes of boat (traffic light system)

An up-to-date boat register is posted in the boathouse, showing relevant details (weight, ownership, traffic light allocation for each boat).

  1. Private boats (labelled with a Red spot): these boats were not bought with the Club’s money and so are not available for Club members to row, without obtaining the owner’s express permission.
  2. Junior Squad Only (labelled with a Blue spot): – these boats were donated/funded to the club for the sole use of the Junior Squad
  3. Novice (labelled with a Green spot): – these boats are available for the use of all rowing members, with their Captain’s prior approval.
  4. Competent (labelled with a Orange spot): – these boats are available for the use of all competent rowing members, with their Captain’s prior approval.
  5. Protected boats (labelled with a Claret spot)
    1. These are the Club’s boats that the DoR & Club’s Captains have agreed to protect for the use of our most committed competitive crew members – the crews who choose to train and compete on behalf of the Club with the approval of the Captains
    2. Captains have authority to prioritise and restrict use of these boats to competing crews.
    3. Captains do not have authority to restrict access to these boats in the scheduled sessions of other Captains, but should liaise on the allocated use to avoid possible clashes at upcoming events
    4. Members are reminded that they must seek prior approval from their Captain if they wish to use one of these boats at any time.

Note: In the event of any dispute the Director of Rowing’s decision will be final.